
SPIRAL2 at GANIL: Status and Perspectives




To pursue the investigation of a new territory of nuclei with extreme N/Z called “terra incognita” several projects, all aiming at the increase by several orders of magnitude of the RIB intensities are now under discussions worldwide. In Europe, two major new projects have been approved recently FAIR@GSI using the so-called “in-flight” method and SPIRAL2@GANIL, based on the ISOL method. Both projects were selected in the European Strategic Roadmap For research Infrastructures (ESFRI). The main goal of SPIRAL2 is clearly to extend our knowledge of the limit of existence and the structure of nuclei deeply in the medium and heavy mass region (A = 60 to 140) which is to day an almost unexplored continent. SPIRAL 2 is based on a high power, CW, superconducting driver LINAC, delivering 5 mA of deuteron beams at 40 MeV (200 KW) directed on a C converter+ Uranium target and producing therefore more 1013 fissions/s. The expected radioactive beams intensities for exotic species in the mass range from A = 60 to A = 140, of the order of 106 to 1010 pps will surpass by two order of magnitude any existing facilities in the world. These unstable atoms will be available at energies between few KeV/n to 15 MeV/n. The same driver will accelerate high intensity (100 μA to 1 mA), heavier ions up to Ar at 14 MeV/n producing also proton rich exotic nuclei. In applied areas SPIRAL2 is considered as a powerful variable energy neutron source, a must to study the impact of nuclear fission and fusion on materials. The intensities of these unstable species are excellent opportunities for new tracers and diagnostics either for solid state, material or for radiobiological science and medicine. The “Go” decision has been taken in May 2005. The investments and personnel costs amount to 190 M, for the construction period 2006–2012. Construction of the SPIRAL2 facility is shared by ten French laboratories and a network of international partners. Under the 7FP program of European Union called “Preparatory phase for the construction of new facilities “, the SPIRAL2 project has been granted a budget of about 4M to build up an international consortium around this new venture. The status of the construction of SPIRAL2 accelerator and technical R&D programs for physics instrumentation (detectors, spectrometers) in collaboration with EU and International partners will be presented.
机译:为了追求一个名为“未知领域”的几个项目极端ñ/ Z核的新领域的调查,全部由RIB强度的几个数量级瞄准增加,现在可以在全球范围内的讨论。在欧洲,两大新项目最近已使用所谓的“飞行​​”的方法和SPIRAL2 @ GANIL的基础上,ISOL方法核定FAIR @ GSI。在欧洲的战略路线图研究基础设施(ESFRI)选择了这两个项目。 SPIRAL2的主要目标是清楚地延长我们存在的限制的知识和细胞核的深深在中型和重型质量区域(A = 60至140),这是到天几乎未开发的大陆的结构。螺旋2是基于高功率,CW,超导驱动LINAC,提供5毫安氘核束在40兆电子伏(200 KW)涉及在C转换器+铀靶和制造,因此更1013裂变/秒。在从A质量范围外来物种的预期放射性束强度= 60〜A = 140,中的106至1010的PPS的顺序将被两个数量级的世界上的任何现有的设施超越。这些不稳定的原子将可在能量几千电子伏之间/ n至15兆电子伏/ N。相同的驱动程序将加速高强度(100μA到1mA),更重的离子高达Ar中在14兆电子伏/ N也产生质子丰富奇异核。在应用领域SPIRAL2被视为一个强大的可变能量中子源,必须要研究核裂变和核聚变的材料上的影响。这些不稳定的类型的强度是新的示踪剂和诊断极好的机会无论是固态,物质或放射生物学科学和医学。实施“走出去”已决定于2005年5月的投资和人员费用为190米,这对于建设周期2006-2012。在SPIRAL2设施建设由10名法国实验室和国际合作伙伴的网络共享。根据欧盟的7FP程序被称为“新设施建设筹备阶段”,该SPIRAL2项目已获得约4M建立一个国际财团解决这个新的合资公司的预算。在与欧盟和国际伙伴合作,物理仪器(探测器,分光计)SPIRAL2加速器和技术R&d项目建设的地位将提交。



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