首页> 外文会议>American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition >Engineering Librarians as Partners of Faculty in Teaching Scholarly Inquiry to Undergraduate Students through Curriculum Integration: The Biotextiles Product Development Course Blog

Engineering Librarians as Partners of Faculty in Teaching Scholarly Inquiry to Undergraduate Students through Curriculum Integration: The Biotextiles Product Development Course Blog




Group projects are frequently utilized in undergraduate course curricula at the NC State University College of Textiles to achieve a number of different learning objectives. WordPress blogs are one of the many Web 2.0 components that can be used by librarians in collaboration with faculty to enhance their students group learning processes. A WordPress blog is a web communication and collaboration tool that can be utilized to engage students in learning with others within a collaborative environment. This paper presents a case study of blog use within an undergraduate textiles engineering course curriculum that was the developed through a collaborative librarian-faculty partnership and examines literature on blog use in undergraduate education.
机译:集团项目经常用于NC州立大学纺织大学的本科课程课程,以实现许多不同的学习目标。 WordPress博客是图书管理员与教师合作可以使用的Web 2.0组件之一,以增强他们的学生组学习过程。 WordPress博客是一个Web通信和协作工具,可用于参与学生在协作环境中与他人学习。本文介绍了本科纺织工程课程中博客使用的案例研究,该课程是通过协作图书馆员 - 教师伙伴关系和审查本科教育中博客中的文学的制定。



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