首页> 外文会议>British Crop Protection Council International Congress of the Crop Science and Technology >The production of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid in transgenic plants as an alternative, sustainable source of health-beneficial fish oils

The production of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid in transgenic plants as an alternative, sustainable source of health-beneficial fish oils




Very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are vital components of the human diet, playing many important roles in optimal health and development. In particular, these fatty acids are vital for neonatal development, and are also protective against adult pathologies such as cardiovascular disease. Current dietary sources of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are predominantly from fish oils, a natural resource in some decline; therefore alternative sustainable sources are required. Recent attempts to engineer transgenic plants with the capacity to synthesise these fatty acids have clearly demonstrated the possibility of such an approach. This represents a major breakthrough in the quest for alternative sources of fish oils, as well as fulfilling the promise of transgenic plant as green factories.



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