首页> 外文会议>IEEE Interantional Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics >A developmental theory of the relation between geometry and kinematics in handwriting

A developmental theory of the relation between geometry and kinematics in handwriting




This papered escribes the kinematic properties of handwriting movements using a single and unique framework based on a Beta-Elliptic theory. In recent years considerable efforts have been expended for the stud' of human handwriting movements. Cursive handwriting may be considered as a highly skilled process, which is executed by means of a rapid sequence of motion. Handwriting is described as the time superimposition of basic discontinuous strokes that results in a continuous summation of Beta-velocity profiles. The model leads to trajectory reconstruction, in the kinematic domain. The overall approach is based upon the hypothesis that complex human movements can be segmented into, basic and simple units. In other words, due to the intrinsic properties of the neuromuscular system involved in a rapid writing task, there is a class of simple movements, hereafter called strokes. More complex movements are thus generated by the addition of the various Strokes belonging to such a class.



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