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Software Representation for Heterogeneous Location Data Sources Within A Probabilistic Framework




In this paper we present a framework for the representation of location information from various sources, such as satellite navigation systems, wireless positioning technologies, beacons, indoor navigation systems, human input, etc. These sources all operate at various degrees of accuracy and often suffer from independent errors. Their output, in terms of the location, can be represented more generally as a probability density distribution (PDF) of the location over a two or three dimensional space - typically Cartesian or other coordinates. Combining two or more such PDFs yields a more accurate PDF of the location and improves navigation under difficult circumstances such as indoors or in fading environments. To allow practical deployment of such a framework we define a simple software interface, using the Java programming language, that relies on the transfer of software objects and class files describing the individual PDFs. A number of different positioning sources can thus describe their individual location PDF using a Java class and object, and pass this to other (sub-)devices that have no a-priori knowledge of this PDF for combination with other PDFs.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一个框架的从各种来源,如卫星导航系统,无线定位技术,信标,室内导航系统,人力输入等,这些来源的所有不同程度的精度的操作,并且经常遭受位置信息的表示从独立的错误。通常笛卡尔或其它坐标 - 它们的输出,在位置方面,可以更一般地,作为位置的在二维或三维空间中的概率密度分布(PDF)来表示。组合两个或更多个这样的PDF文件产生的位置的更精确的PDF和困难的情况下,例如在室内或在衰落环境改善的导航。为了让这样一个框架的实际部署,我们定义了一个简单的软件界面,使用Java编程语言,它依赖于软件对象和类文件说明各个PDF文件的转移。因此许多不同的定位源可以描述了使用Java类和对象它们各自的位置PDF,并通过这对具有此PDF用于与其他的PDF组合没有先验知识的其它(子)的设备。



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