首页> 外文会议>International Technology, Education and Development Conference >(1397.pdf) VISUAL ARTS IN EDUCATION (VA.E). A LEARNING EXPERIENCE BASED GAME


机译:(1397.PDF)教育中的视觉艺术(VA.E)。 基于学习体验的游戏



In an era characterized by an overabundance of messages (Sanchez, 1997), visual illiteracy,caused by ignorance of the code, leaves the consumer in a precarious situation of helplessness tothe messages they receive from various media and communication (Ferres, 1996).The school, in their pedagogical students are taught by traditional linguistic content, is opening agap that separates it from the most innovative contemporary teaching. These didactics propose ahigher level of criticality by students, developing skills and operational skills within what to teach?(From Zubiría, 1994). This is achieved through modern practices and sentimental emotionaldevelopment of each individual within a "know-how" and "know how to be" in line with thedemands of the new knowledge society and information. We need, therefore, contain medialiteracy in schools, in order to show the importance of this dynamic and its impact on the citizensof today and tomorrow (Beltran and Calderon, 2007).These and other reasons are why we need to develop in our young people skills that will facilitatethe critical reception of media, achieving a better reading of the messages they consume, andtherefore can reduce the negative effects that the media produced in their personal and socialdevelopment and social. This, with the support of the school, starting with the earliest stages ofeducation and continuing progressively throughout the entire education system up to theUniversity, must help educate students with skills and competencies that enable them to play abetter role within society. Media literacy is a vehicle for achieving this goal.Visual Arts in Education (VA.E) is a research project based on the teaching and learning ofcontemporary visual arts in kindergartens and elementary schools. Its main objective is to analyzethe use and implementation in SEK schools in the Community of Madrid, a suitcase teachingcreated by the General Division Promotion of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Education, Culture andSports: The KIT E.CO.This training material is designed as a proposal of visual literacy for children from 4 to 10 yearsold. Its main objective is to motivate them in a process of analysis and discovery of the picturesthroughout the game, understanding, appreciation and apprehension of the visual arts. In this way,they become stakeholders in the process of creating your own visual code. The present paper ispart of a parallel investigation to the overall objectives of the project, which aims to evaluate theteaching of it. To analyze the development of cognitive abilities and creative that will occur in thechild of this age with the use of KIT and achieving key learning objectives through the image andall, from units of inquiry as part of an international and bilingual education.



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