首页> 外文会议>International Technology, Education and Development Conference >(1404) FILM-INDUCED LEARNING OR HOW TO DEVELOP INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS IN ESP





The use of audio-visual materials has a long and well-established tradition in English LanguageTeaching (ELT): video-clips, trailers, movies, TV spots, cartoons, and the like have been successfullyused in every educational level, from preschool to higher education. If, in the early 80's, the use ofvideo on a regular basis in English classes was an innovative way to open a window to the worldoutside the classroom, today's information society is everywhere and knowledge can be easilyaccessed with the click of a mouse. In this new and complex environment, teaching and learningEnglish for Specific Purposes (ESP) poses some additional challenges to ELT in general;;i.e. studentslearn the language as a means to an end, the content instruction being a “must” and the linguisticcomponent is a bit behind. In addition, English, a language spoken by more than 750 million nativespeakers, while maintaining its status as lingua franca- has grown to what is known as “WorldEnglishes” or “Global Englishes”. The term “global Englishes” describes the wide range and variety ofEnglish used by global users in the multicultural society we live in today. This multicultural society,therefore, requires an intercultural approach to teaching and learning.This paper presents a pilot project conducted with a group of English language learners of 2nd year ofTourism degree at the Faculty of Economics (University of Valencia).The project had a twofoldobjective: to improve students' learning skills and to develop their intercultural awareness throughmovies. The film chosen was “The Best Exotic Hotel Marigold” (Johan Madden, 2011) where Britishand Indian cultures meet and whose characters show instances of cross-cultural and interculturalcommunication. Students were divided into two groups: Group A (a focus group, with volunteerstudents ready to do some preparatory work -reading a dossier on language, culture, customs andetiquette on India, prior to watching the film) and Group B (the rest of the students in the class whowatched the film, without any prior knowledge). To assess the level of intercultural awareness, aquestionnaire was performed before and after watching the film;;in addition, a worksheet based on themovie was designed to enhance an “active viewing” of the film and to assess the learner'scomprehension and understanding of the plot and the linguistic content.Preliminary findings show that Group A students were satisfied with the experience, appreciated thedossier provided as it improved their comprehension and enjoyment of the film;;besides theyconfirmed to be willing to continue watching films in their spare time. In conclusion, having a dossierand doing pre-, while- and post-viewing activities was a pull factor that enhanced their motivation tolearn English and to develop intercultural awareness in this group of ESP learners.
机译:使用的视听教材在英语LanguageTeaching(ELT)长和悠久传统:视频剪辑,预告片,电影,电视节目,动画片等在每一个教育水平已经successfullyused,从幼儿园到高教育。如果在80年代初期,媒体视频了英语课,定期对使用是打开一个窗口worldoutside课堂上的创新方式,当今信息社会是无处不在,知识可以用鼠标点击来easilyaccessed。在这个新的和复杂的环境,教学和learningEnglish特殊用途(ESP)造成一般;;即以ELT一些额外的挑战。 studentslearn语言作为目的的一种手段,该内容的指令是一个“必须”与linguisticcomponent有点后面。此外,英国,超过7.5亿英语为母语国家发言,同时保持其作为通用franca-状态的语言已经发展到了被称为“WorldEnglishes”或“全球英语变”。术语“全球英语变”描述了在我们今天生活的多元文化社会用得到全球用户的广泛和多样性ofEnglish。这个多元文化的社会,因此,需要一个跨文化的教学方法和learning.This文章提出用一组第2年ofTourism程度的英语学习者在经济学院(巴伦西亚大学)进行了试点项目。该项目有一个twofoldobjective :提高学生的学习能力和发展他们的跨文化意识throughmovies。所选择的电影是“最佳异国万寿菊酒店”(约翰·麦登,2011),其中Britishand印第安文化满足,其字符显示跨文化和interculturalcommunication的实例。学生被分为两组:(,看电影之前,焦点小组,与volunteerstudents准备做一些准备工作-reading在语言,文化,印度海关andetiquette的档案),A组和B组(的其余部分全班学生whowatched电影,没有任何先验知识)。为了评估跨文化意识的水平,前后除了看电影;;后进行aquestionnaire,基于themovie工作表的目的是要提高膜的“主动式观看”,并评估learner'scomprehension和的理解情节和语言content.Preliminary调查结果显示,A组的学生都满意的经历,赞赏thedossier提供,因为它提高了他们的理解和欣赏电影;;除了theyconfirmed愿意继续观看在业余时间电影。总之,有dossierand做产前,while-,后观影活动是一个拉动因素是增强他们的动机学点英语,并制定本组ESP学习者的跨文化意识。



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