首页> 外文会议>International Technology, Education and Development Conference >(2044) STUDENT-GENERATED MULTIMEDIA AND ITS EFFECTS ON LEARNING





The majority of modern day children are constantly engaged in social media, which, as manyresearchers have observed, makes children comfortable using a variety of technology tools. This“know-how” can be utilized in teaching and learning core curriculum concepts that are traditionallydifficult to comprehend and consequently difficult to apply [5].One of the emergent areas of research is the effect of student-generated multimedia on learning. Forthe last 15 years many researchers have studied multimedia design and its role in education.However, Dr. Richard Mayer has made the most significant contributions to the areas of cognition andmultimedia effects on learning. According to Mayer [8] multimedia presentation consists of coordinatedverbal and visual images. In “Principles of Multimedia Design” Mayer provides empirical evidence thatwell-designed multimedia presentations “result in higher transfer and retention performance for certainkinds of learners” [8]. A few studies have suggested that allowing students to use multimedia tools inthe project based learning environment will allow students to expand on their creativity and improvetheir critical thinking skills [1][12]. Researches argue integrating multimedia into the learning processaffords for deeper learning than text-based or lecture based teaching methodology [5].This paper will explore several major studies and theoretical works that deal with multimedia effects onlearning. It will also present a synopsis of research findings on student-generated multimedia and howit affects comprehension, motivation and student engagement. This new and emerging area of studyrequires more experimental research. However, by highlighting several key areas this paper will notonly suggest areas for further review but also propose a study to further investigate the effects ofstudent generated multimedia on learning and comprehension.
机译:大多数现代儿童都不断参与社交媒体,因为许多搜索商已经观察到,让孩子们使用各种技术工具舒适。这种“专有技术”可以用于教学和学习核心课程概念,这些课程概念是传统地理解,并因此难以应用[5]。突出的研究领域是学生产生的多媒体对学习的影响。过去15年来,许多研究人员已经研究了多媒体设计及其在教育中的作用。然而,理查德·梅雷斯博士对认知和医学影响的影响最大贡献。根据Mayer [8]多媒体演示包括协调verbal和视觉图像。在“多媒体设计的原则”中,Mayer提供了实证证据,以尤其是为学习者的鉴定和保留绩效导致更高的转移和保留性能“[8]。一些研究表明,允许学生使用基于项目的学习环境来利用多媒体工具将使学生能够扩大他们的创造力和IncleteTheir批判性思维技能[1] [12]。研究争论将多媒体集成到学习过程中,以获得更深入的学习,而不是基于文本的或基于讲座的教学方法[5]。这篇论文将探讨几项重大研究和理论作品,处理大型效果的思考。它还将在学生生成的多媒体和Howit影响理解,动机和学生参与的概要上提出了研究结果的概要。这种新的和新兴的学习领域Quires更实验研究。然而,通过突出几个关键领域,本文将无法建议进一步审查的领域,但还提出了一项研究,进一步调查了对学习和理解的影响的影响。



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