




Technology is radically transforming the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) programs.To embrace changes and teach students skills and students needs, in an ever-changing world, wehave completely revised the architecture curriculum. This new program development is supported by agrant award from the National Science Foundation/Advanced Technology Education program(NSF/ATE). We have just completed the first year of this new curriculum. The courses developed haveembedded in them high impact practices. Collaboration and information exchange has been a criticalpart of developing the building technology sequence of classes at New York City College ofTechnology (City Tech).Collaboration is an essential element in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process. Studentsexperience this as they work in three person teams within the classroom to develop the projects.Students from the departments of Architecture Technology and Construction Management and CivilEngineering Technology (CMCE) work on projects together. They complete assignments in which theyare mutually dependent on each other's work. This process allows them to understand professionalrelationships and workflows.Horizontal integration is not the only type of collaboration occurring in the Building Technologysequence. There is a vertical integration between the design studios and the Building Technologyclasses. Building Technology students examine Design Studio in order to understand the informationneeded and research required developing a BIM model. This exercise illustrates to both groups ofstudents the depth and breadth of research and information required to go from design to constructiondocumentation. This experience generates enthusiasm from participants of both the design studio andthe building technology class.
机译:技术在根本上改变了建筑,工程和建设(AEC)计划。在不断变化的世界中,拥抱改变并教授学生的技能和学生需求,我们完全修改了架构课程。该新计划开发得到了国家科学基金会/先进技术教育计划(NSF / ATE)的农业奖。我们刚刚完成了这一新课程的第一年。这些课程在他们的高影响力方面发达了哈默特。协作和信息交流一直是开发纽约市技术学学院(城市技术)的建筑技术课程的重要组成部分.Collaboration是建筑信息建模(BIM)过程中的一个基本要素。 STAGESEXPERIENT这是他们在教室内的三个人团队中工作,开发项目。从建筑技术和施工管理和陆上工程技术(CMCE)在一起的工程中有一定文件。他们完整的任务,其中他们相互依赖于彼此的工作。此过程允许他们了解PRESTIONSICERIPSHIPS和WORKFLOWS.HORIZONTERAL INTEGTION不是在建筑科技序列中发生的唯一合作类型。设计工作室与建筑科技类之间存在垂直集成。建筑科技学生检查设计工作室,以了解所需的信息和研究开发BIM模型。该练习说明了两组群体的研究和广泛的研究和信息所需的信息,以便从设计到施工编织。这种体验产生了设计工作室和建筑技术班的参与者的热情。



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