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A Computational Study of How and Why reddit.com was an Effective Platform in the Campaign Against SOPA




In this paper, we analyze the posting and voting activities of reddit's users and show how these interact with the site's structure to create an environment where information activists could build a resource base to oppose the 2012 US House of Representatives bill, Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA). The broad-casting function of the 'Front Page' was important in raising awareness of SOPA among reddit's users. Broadcasting the outcomes of collective voting back to the voters establishes an attentional feedback loop, and this imbued the collective action which followed with certain characteristics. Continuing a longitudinal investigation into changes in the ways that user attention and activity is distributed between the site's 240,000 'subreddits', we conclude by theorizing whether such collective action will be possible on the reddit of the present.
机译:在本文中,我们分析了Reddit用户的发布和投票活动,并展示了这些互动与该网站的结构互动,以创建信息活动家可以建立资源基础,以反对2012年美国代表票据的资源基础,停止在线隐私法案( SOPA)。 “首页”的广泛铸造功能对于在Reddit的用户中提高SOPA的认识非常重要。将集体投票的结果返回到选民建立注意力反馈循环,这使得具有某些特征的集体行动。继续纵向调查在网站240,000“削弱”之间的用户注意和活动分布的方式变化,我们通过了解这些集体行动是否有可能在目前的reddit上进行得出结论。



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