首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Signal Processing Systems >Main Lobe Jamming Suppression Algorithm Based on Blocking Matrix Pre-processing and Covariance Matrix Reconstruction

Main Lobe Jamming Suppression Algorithm Based on Blocking Matrix Pre-processing and Covariance Matrix Reconstruction




Regarding the main-lobe jamming suppression algorithm of phased array radar, the paper analyzes various anti-jammingalgorithms based on blocking matrix pre-processing (BMP) according to the study of current anti-main lobe jammingtechnique in the space-time domain, including the weighting coefficient compensation, whitening, diagonal loading andlinear constraint combined with diagonal loading beam retention algorithms. Inspired by the covariance matrixreconstruction (CMR) algorithm of eigen-projection matrix preprocessing, the paper combines modified CMR and BMPalgorithm to suppress main lobe jamming. The modified CMR can not only be used when the dimension is lost causedby BMP, but also solve the distortion problems such as the main lobe peak offset in the adaptive beam forming synthesis.The biggest advantage of BMP combined with modified CMR algorithm is that its anti-jamming performance isexcellent and stable when the sampling snapshot contains the target signal. Meanwhile, the algorithm complexity and thesnapshot sensitivity are both in a low level. In the end, the verification results of the measured data also show thesuperiority of the proposed algorithm when the sampling snapshot contains the target signal.



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