首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Business Cooperation and Development in South-East and South Asia under BR Initiative >A Study of China-ASEAN Higher Education Exchange Cooperation in the Background of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership

A Study of China-ASEAN Higher Education Exchange Cooperation in the Background of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership

机译:中国 - 东盟战略伙伴关系背景中中国高等教育交流与合作研究



Political security, economic & trade cooperation and people-to-people exchange & cooperation are the three pillars in ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership, among which education, especially higher education, plays an important role in providing talent and intellectual support as well as connecting peoples from different cultures and enhancing mutual understanding and trust. Thus, making a review of the establishment, implement and development of relevant national policies, collecting and analyzing some demonstrative cases and finally putting forward recommendations in the perspective of sustainable development will be proved worthwhile in the follow-up construction of China-ASEAN 3+X Framework and implementation of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030.
机译:政治安全,经济贸易合作和人民交流与合作是东盟 - 中国战略伙伴关系的三大支柱,其中教育,特别是高等教育,在提供人才和智力的支持以及联系人民方面发挥着重要作用 来自不同的文化,提高相互理解和信任。 因此,审查了相关国家政策的建立,实施和制定,收集和分析了一些示范案件,最后在可持续发展的角度下提出了建议,将在中国 - 东盟3+的后续建设中被证明是值得的 X框架与中国东盟战略伙伴关系愿景2030的实施。



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