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Restoration and Rehabilitation of world heritage Site of Chupan Church




Church of Chupan is located in Jolfa cityin north of Iran and is laid at south side of Arax River. Built of the church traced back to 14th to 15th century and the time when Armenians were inhabited in the region. Chupan church had been inscribed at World Heritage List of UNESCO under no 1262 in 2008, as one of the five churches of "Armenian Monasteries of Azerbajian province of Iran" dossier. As it is located at a religious and tourism road of Darresham and each year most of Armnian form all over the world visited the church as a part of a religious ceremony, also as the same church on opposite side of the Arax in Republic of Nakhchivan is completely destroyed between 1998-2002 and the church is the only existing evidence of these two couple church, the restoration and rehabilitation of chupan church is very important. Because of very bad statues of structure stability and long-term neglect of the conservation and preservation of the building, restoration and rehabilitation of the church in the earliest was necessary. Restoration of the church was my MA degree thesis and now as a Ph.D student in field of urban design and planning student, I am working on the next step which is to revitalization and rehabilitation of the church.
机译:Chupan教堂位于伊朗北部的Jolfa Cityin,并在Arax河的南侧铺设。建造的教会追溯到14至15世纪,以及亚美尼亚人在该地区居住的时候。 Chupan Church于2008年在No 1262下铭刻了联合国教科文组织的遗产名录,是“阿塞拜疆伊朗阿塞拜亚省亚美尼亚州”档案的五个教堂之一。因为它位于达雷萨姆的宗教和旅游道路,每年武器形式世界各地都参观了教会作为宗教仪式的一部分,也是纳库奇共和国arax的另一侧的同一教堂在1998 - 2002年之间完全被摧毁,教会是这两夫妇教会的唯一现有的证据,Chupan教堂的恢复和康复非常重要。由于结构稳定性非常糟糕的雕像和长期忽视保护和保存的建筑,最早的建筑,恢复和康复的恢复和康复。教会的恢复是我的硕士学位论文,现在作为城市设计和规划学生领域的博士学位,我正在研究下一步,这是振兴和康复教会。



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