首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Social Science >The Influence of Patriarchal Clan System on the Legal Status of Chinese Women in Marriage and Family - Suggestions on Promoting the Implementation of Anti Domestic Violence Law

The Influence of Patriarchal Clan System on the Legal Status of Chinese Women in Marriage and Family - Suggestions on Promoting the Implementation of Anti Domestic Violence Law

机译:父权制宗族制度对婚姻与家庭妇女法律地位的影响 - 促进抗家庭暴力法实施的建议



Domestic violence is a social pain that affects family harmony and social stability. Through the comparison of the status of Chinese ancient and modern women in marriage and family, this paper shows that although the status of Chinese women's status is gradually rich and the perfect law can block their "fist", the unequal influence of the patriarchal ethics system and the feudal ideology still exists deeply. Especially in some economically backward areas and families with weak legal consciousness, vicious family rules are also preventing the society from realizing the equality of men and women in the true sense. Finally, this paper makes a brief analysis of how to deal with the problem of domestic violence and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women by revealing the problems of the anti-domestic violence law.
机译:家庭暴力是一种影响家庭和谐和社会稳定的社会痛苦。 通过比较中国古代和现代女性的婚姻和家庭的现状,本文表明,虽然中国妇女地位的地位逐渐丰富,完美的法律可以阻止他们的“拳”,父权制道德制度的不平等影响 并且封建意识形态仍然深深地存在。 特别是在一些经济上落后的地区和具有薄弱法律意识的家庭中,恶性家庭规则也在阻止社会实现真实意义上男女的平等。 最后,本文简要分析了如何处理家庭暴力问题,并通过揭示反家庭暴力法问题来保护妇女的合法权益。



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