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EduCHI 2019 Symposium: Global Perspectives on HCI Education

机译:Educhi 2019年研讨会:关于HCI教育的全球视角



At CHI 2018, a workshop on developing a community of practice to support global HCI education was held, building on six years of research and collaboration in the area of HCI education. Many themes emerged from the workshop activities and discussions. Two particularly stood out: creating channels for discussions related to HCI education and providing a platform for sharing HCI curricula and teaching experiences. To that end, we are organizing a CHI 2019 symposium dedicated exclusively to HCI education: EduCHI 2019: Global Perspectives on HCI Education. The symposium will focus on the canons of HCI education in 2019 and beyond. It will offer a venue for HCI educators across disciplinary and geographical borders to discuss, dissect, and debate HCI teaching and learning. Through keynote addresses, paper presentations, and a panel discussion, we aim to discuss current and future HCI education trends, curricula, pedagogies, teaching practices, and diverse and inclusive HCI education. Post-symposium initiatives will aim to document and publish the discussions from the symposium.
机译:举办了一项关于制定一项支持全球HCI教育的实践社区的讲习班,建立在HCI教育领域的六年研究与合作。许多主题从研讨会活动和讨论中出现。两个特别突出:创建与HCI教育有关的讨论渠道,并为共享HCI课程和教学经验提供平台。为此,我们正在组织专门专门用于HCI教育的CHI 2019研讨会:Educhi 2019:全球HCI教育的观点。研讨会将重点关注2019年及以后的HCI教育的教学。它将为HCI教育工作者提供纪律和地理边界的地理位置,讨论,解剖和辩论HCI教学和学习。通过主题演讲,纸张演示和小组讨论,我们的目标是讨论当前和未来的HCI教育趋势,课程,教学,教学实践,以及多样化和包容性的HCI教育。研讨会后举措旨在记录和发布研讨会的讨论。



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