
Creating the Optimal Coal Working Section




The definition of the working sections that will be used in a mine is usually initially made in the field by the geologist supervising the drilling program. These initial definitions are often made on the basis of rules of thumb such as 'coal less than 30 cm thick cannot be mined separately'; 'partings more than 30 cm thick will be mined separately'; and 'if a coal seam is less than 50 cm thick and the parting above or below is thicker than the coal, the coal will be wasted'. These decisions are also often made based on the requirement for a minimum sample mass for analysis, and the desire to collect data at the minimum resolution to conserve the exploration budget. In many cases the geological models based on this data are produced at a resolution that is inadequate to allow the mining engineer to produce a mine plan that will maximise project value. This problem is generally unrecognised. Where data is collected to a higher level of resolution the subsequent processes employed in the production of geological models and mine plans often discards the inherent value that is hidden in this data. Again this problem is generally unrecognised. This paper highlights this problem and then presents a methodology that ensures that the optimal working section is selected and compares the outcomes of applying this methodology versus adherence to the usual rules of thumb.
机译:在矿井中使用的工作部分的定义通常最初由地质学家监督钻井计划的地质学家制造。这些初始定义通常是基于拇指规则制定的“煤炭不到30厘米不能分开开采”; “超过30厘米厚的分开就会分开开采”;并'如果煤层厚度小于50厘米,并且比煤的离子厚厚,则煤将被浪费。这些决定通常是根据对分析最小样本质量的要求进行的,以及在最低分辨率下收集数据以节省勘探预算的愿望。在许多情况下,基于该数据的地质模型以允许采矿工程师生产最大化项目价值的矿山计划的分辨率产生的分辨率。这个问题一般无法识别。其中收集到更高级别的数据分辨率,后续在地质模型和矿山计划中使用的过程通常会丢弃隐藏在此数据中的固有值。再次这个问题通常无法识别。本文突出显示此问题,然后提出了一种方法,可确保选择最佳工作部分并比较应用该方法与遵守通常规则的拇指的结果。



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