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Visualization analysis of the evolution of indexing and the subject migration-based on the view of internationalization




(1)Based on the analysis of the disciplines distribution and the published articles of indexing, we can see that the study of indexing appears the phenomena of subject migration. The indexing research can be traced back to 1936. Computer Science is the most cardinal subject on international indexing research, the number of published articles is 5253, and the peak is in 2006; whereas the number of published articles in Information Science and Library Science field is only 847, and the peak in this field is in 2001. From above, we can see that the main subject on indexing research has transferred. (2)This paper believes that the development of indexing research can be classified into three stages through the analysis of disciplines distribution and highly cited literatures at home and abroad: the period of Bibliography Indexing, the period of database indexing and indexing under the network environment. In the evolutional process of indexing research, we found that there are two turnings in this process: ①along with the expansion of the computer application, the indexing has transferred from manual type to database indexing;②in the network environment, the rapid growth of information makes database indexing not to satisfy people's needs, so a new indexing- indexing under the network environment. In this process, the indexing research realized the migration from Information Science and Library Science field to Computer Science and formed the represented research team including Guttman and Deerwester. As the key researcher of indexing field, they immeasurably contributes to the development of indexing study。 (3)Through the visualization analysis of research hotspots of indexing, we can see that the international indexing research is focus on semantic indexing, indexing technology, indexing method, information retrieval, based on image content of research, an XML document retrieval, databases, search engines and automatic indexing and so on.
机译:(1)根据学科分布和索引的发表的文章的分析,我们可以看到,索引的研究课题出现迁移的现象。索引的研究可以追溯到1936年,以计算机科学是国际上研究建立索引的最根本问题,发表文章的数量是5253,而高峰是在2006年;而在信息科学与图书馆学领域发表文章的数量仅为847,而在这一领域的峰值是在2001年从上我们可以看到,索引研究的主要对象已经转移。 (2)本文认为索引研究的发展可通过学科分布的分析可以分为三个阶段,并广泛引用在国内文献和国外:书目索引期间,数据库索引和索引的网络环境下的周期。在分度研究的进化过程中,我们发现有两个屑在这个过程中:与所述计算机应用程序的扩展①along,索引已经从手动型于数据库索引转移;②在网络环境中,信息使得快速增长数据库索引不能满足人们的需求,因此在网络环境下新的indexing-索引。在这个过程中,索引研究实现了从信息科学与图书馆学领域的计算机科学的迁移和形成的代表研究团队包括古特曼和Deerwester。作为索引字段的主要研究人员,他们没法比通过索引的研究热点的可视化分析有助于索引研究的发展。(3),我们可以看到,与国际检索系统的研究是专注于语义索引,索引技术,索引方法,信息检索的基础上,研究图像内容,XML文档检索,数据库,搜索引擎和自动索引等。



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