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The Standard Model in the History of the Natural Sciences, Econometrics, and the Social Sciences




In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, scientists appropriated Newton's laws of motion as a model for the conduct of any other field of investigation that would purport to be a science. This early form of a Standard Model eventually informed the basis of analogies for the mathematical expression of phenomena previously studied qualitatively, such as cohesion, affinity, heat, light, electricity, and magnetism. James Clerk Maxwell is known for his repeated use of a formalized version of this method of analogy in lectures, teaching, and the design of experiments. Economists transferring skills learned in physics made use of the Standard Model, especially after Maxwell demonstrated the value of conceiving it in abstract mathematics instead of as a concrete and literal mechanical analogy. Haavelmo's probability approach in econometrics and R. Fisher's Statistical Methods for Research Workers brought a statistical approach to bear on the Standard Model, quietly reversing the perspective of economics and the social sciences relative to that of physics. Where physicists, and Maxwell in particular, intuited scientific method as imposing stringent demands on the quality and interrelations of data, instruments, and theory in the name of inferential and comparative stability, statistical models and methods disconnected theory from data by removing the instrument as an essential component. New possibilities for reconnecting economics and the social sciences to Maxwell's sense of the method of analogy are found in Rasch's probabilistic models for measurement.
机译:在第18届和19世纪初期,科学家们将牛顿的议案法案批准为旨在蔑视任何其他调查领域的模式。这种标准模型的早期形式最终向类似于先前研究的现象的数学表达的类比的基础,例如凝聚力,亲和力,热,光,电力和磁性。詹姆斯·秘书麦克斯韦尔以其重复使用这种类比讲座,教学和实验设计方法的形式化的形式的形式。经济学家在物理学中学习的技术利用标准模型,特别是在Maxwell展示了抽象数学中的价值而不是混凝土和文字机械类比之后。 HaavelMo在经济学和R.Fisher的研究工作人员统计方法中的概率方法带来了一种统计方法,致力于标准模型,悄然扭转了经济学和社会科学相对于物理学的视角。在哪里物理学家和麦克斯韦特别是直观的科学方法,因为在推论和比较稳定性的名称中对数据,仪器和理论的质量和相互关系进行了严格的要求,统计模型和方法通过移除仪器作为一种从数据断开理论基本组成部分。 Rasch的测量概率模型发现了重新连接经济学和社会科学对Maxwell的麦克斯韦的影响的新可能性。



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