
Polly Cracker, Revisited, Revisited




In this paper, we consider the Polly Cracker with Noise (PCN) cryptosystem by Albrecht, Farshim, Faugere, and Perret (Asiacrypt 2011), which is a public-key cryptosystem based on the hardness of computing Grobner bases for noisy random systems of multivariate equations. We examine four settings, covering all possible parameter ranges of PCN with zero-degree noise. In the first setting, the PCN cryptosystem is known to be equivalent to Regev's LWE-based scheme. In the second, it is known to be at most as secure as Regev's scheme. We show that for one other settings it is equivalent to a variants of Regev's with less efficiency and in the last setting it is completely insecure and we give an efficient key-recovery attack. Unrelated to the attack, we also fix some flaws in the security proofs of PCN.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑通过Albrecht,Farshim,Faugere和Perret(AsiaCrypt 2011)的波利饼干(PCN)密码系统(Asiancrypt 2011),这是一个公钥密码系统,基于计算Grobner基地的硬度,用于多变量的嘈杂的随机系统方程式。我们检查四个设置,涵盖具有零度噪声的PCN的所有可能参数范围。在第一个设置中,已知PCN密码系统相当于Regev的基于LWE的方案。在第二中,已知最多是Regev的方案。我们表明,对于另一个设置,它相当于Regev的变体,效率较少,最后设置完全不安全,我们提供了有效的键恢复攻击。与攻击无关,我们还在PCN的安全证明中修复了一些缺陷。



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