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Sentiment Vector Space Model for Lyric-based Song Sentiment Classification




Lyric-based song sentiment classification seeks to assign songs appropriate sentiment labels such as light-hearted and heavy-hearted. Four problems render vector space model (VSM)-based text classification approach ineffective: 1) Many words within song lyrics actually contribute little to sentiment; 2) Nouns and verbs used to express sentiment are ambiguous; 3) Negations and modifiers around the sentiment keywords make particular contributions to sentiment; 4) Song lyric is usually very short. To address these problems, the sentiment vector space model (s-VSM) is proposed to represent song lyric document. The preliminary experiments prove that the s-VSM model outperforms the VSM model in the lyric-based song sentiment classification task.
机译:基于抒情的歌曲情绪分类旨在分配歌曲适当的情感标签,如轻松和轻松的。四个问题呈现矢量空间模型(VSM)的文本分类方法无效:1)歌曲歌词中的许多单词实际上有没有贡献到情绪不大; 2)用于表达情绪的名词和动词是暧昧的; 3)情绪关键词周围的否定和修饰剂对情绪进行了特别的贡献; 4)歌曲抒情通常很短。为了解决这些问题,提出了情绪矢量空间模型(S-VSM)来代表歌曲抒情文档。初步实验证明,S-VSM模型在抒情歌曲情绪分类任务中优于VSM模型。



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