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The importance of spring and autumn grazing for seedling establishment in semi-natural grasslands




The diversity of available regeneration niches is generally considered a key factor for plant species diversity in semi-natural grasslands. The traditional management of hay meadows in Scandinavia included grazing in autumn and occasionally also in spring. In this study, I used a seeding experiment to examine the effects of spring and autumn grazing on seedling establishment in Conopodium majus, Pimpinella saxijraga, and Knautia arvensis in a hay meadow with traditional management. The experiment included four different combinations of autumn and spring grazing and three levels of disturbance in the bottom layer in a factorial design. The effects of grazing were highly species-specific and seasonally dependent. Autumn grazing had a clear positive effect on seedling establishment in Pimpinella. The results suggest that both removal of regrowth in the field layer and an increased frequency of gaps in the bottom layer (dominated by bryophy tes) contributed to the positive effect of autumn grazing. Infact, no Pimpinella seedlings were present in plots without grazing or disturbance. In Conopodium, spring grazing alone or combined with autumn grazing resulted in the highest plant establishment at the end of the experiment one year after germination. In contrast to the other species, Knautia responded weakly to grazing. The results demonstrate that grazing in spring and autumn can have positive effects on seedling establishment in hay meadows and should therefore be considered as part of the management strategy in species-rich hay meadows.
机译:可用再生效力的多样性通常被认为是半自然草原植物物种多样性的关键因素。在斯堪的纳维亚的干草草甸的传统管理包括在秋季放牧,也偶尔也在春天。在这项研究中,我使用了播种实验来检查春季和秋季放牧对蜂房,Pimpinella Saxijraga,Pimpinella Saxijraga和Knautia Arvensis的苗木建立的影响,以及传统管理。该实验包括四个不同组合的秋季和春季放牧和底层中的三个障碍,底层在阶层设计中。放牧的效果是特定于特异性和季节性依赖性的。秋天的放牧对Pimpinella的幼苗建筑具有明显的积极作用。结果表明,在场层中移除再生和底层中的间隙的增加频率(由苔藓TES主导)导致秋天放牧的积极作用。 Infact,没有放牧或干扰的地块中没有Pimpinella幼苗。在康复,春天放牧单独或与秋天的放牧结合,导致萌发后一年在实验结束时的最高植物建立。与其他物种相比,Knautia对放牧反应弱。结果表明,在春季和秋季放牧可能对枯草草甸的幼苗建立产生积极影响,因此应被视为物种的富含干草草甸管理策略的一部分。



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