首页> 外文会议>Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers >Evaluation of Bioretention Hydrology and Pollutant Removal in the Upper Coastal Plain of North Carolina

Evaluation of Bioretention Hydrology and Pollutant Removal in the Upper Coastal Plain of North Carolina




Bioretention is a principal low impact development practice. A study underway in North Carolina is examining the performance of bioretention cells with respect to hydrology and water quality under varying vegetative cover, media depths, and drainage configurations in the sandy in-situ soils of the upper coastal plain. Two types of cells are being monitored in both Rocky Mount and Nashville. In Rocky Mount, the cells were designed with 0.9 m deep media depth and a 0.6 m deep internal water storage layer (IWS). The IWS is intended to create anaerobic conditions to increase the rate of nitrate and total nitrogen reduction. Current data shows the IWS having a strong effect on flow reduction. Only two out of 32 events that were monitored since September2007 produced outflow (total storm sizes - 49.3 mm and 83.3 mm). Grab samples have been taken from the underdrains after an event to quantify treatment. Preliminary data from six events show concentration reductions of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids of 65.7, 17.3, and 94.0%, respectively. In June 2008, the IWS will be reduced to 0.3 m. In Nashville, two sets of cells were designed with 0.6 and 0.9 m deep media depths and without IWS. Monitoring in Nashville started in April2008. Data collected from these four sets of cells will be used to compare performance of bioretention in the sandy in-situ soils of the upper coastal plain to those sited in clayey soils from past studies in the Piedmont region.
机译:生物化是一个主要的低影响发展实践。北卡罗来纳州的一项研究正在研究中沿海地沿海平原的砂质原位土壤中的不同营养覆盖,介质深度和排水配置的水文和水质的性能。在岩石山和纳什维尔(纳什维尔)都监测两种类型的细胞。在岩石支架中,细胞设计为0.9M深介质深度和0.6米深储水层(IWS)。 IWS旨在产生厌氧条件以增加硝酸盐率和整体氮气。当前数据显示IW对流量减少具有很强的影响。自9月2007年9月20日以来仅监测的32个事件中只有两个(总风暴尺寸 - 49.3毫米和83.3毫米)。在事件量化治疗后,抓取样品已经从趋势中取出。来自六个事件的初步数据显示出总氮,总磷和总悬浮固体的浓度降低,分别为65.7,17.3和94.0%。 2008年6月,IWS将减少到0.3米。在纳什维尔,设计了两组细胞,具有0.6和0.9米深的介质深度,无IWS。在纳什维尔监测于4月2日开始。从这一套细胞收集的数据将用于比较上海沿海平原的砂质原位土壤中生物的性能,从Piedmont地区的过去的研究中粘土土壤中占据了那些。



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