首页> 外文会议>American Society for Information Science and Technology annual meeting >Explorations In Bibliometric Historiography: C. H. Waddington And The Rise Of Evolutionary Developmental Biology

Explorations In Bibliometric Historiography: C. H. Waddington And The Rise Of Evolutionary Developmental Biology

机译:探索史学史学史:C.H. Waddington和进化发育生物学的兴起



Conrad Hal Waddington was a well known developmental biologist and geneticist whose publications span almost 50 years, from the late 1920s through the mid 1970s. He is perhaps best known for his introduction to genetics and developmental biology of concepts such as "the epigenetic landscape" "canalization", and "genetic assimilation." His research in the 30s, 40s, and 50s has become newly relevant with the emergence of the field of Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo) – a field that seeks the "unification of genomic, developmental, organismal, population, and natural selection approaches to evolutionary change" (Hall, 1999). [According to Gilbert (2003), "C. H. Waddington, one of the first developmental geneticists, was a person who did not believe that genetics, embryology, and evolution were separate sciences (he called the fusion of these disciplines "diachronic biology" and worked in each area)."]
机译:康拉德哈·沃达丁顿是一位知名的发展生物学家和遗传学家,其出版物截至20世纪20年代中期从20世纪20年代末到20世纪70年代末。他可能是最为闻名的遗传和发育生物学的概念概念,例如“表观遗传景观”,“Canalization”和“遗传同化”。他在30年代,40年代和50年代的研究与进化发展生物学领域的出现(Evo-Devo) - 一种寻求“基因组,发育,机构,人口和自然选择方法的统一”的领域是新的相关性的进化变化“(大厅,1999)。 [根据吉尔伯特(2003)的说法,“第一名发展遗传学家之一Ch Waddington是一个不相信遗传学,胚胎和进化的人是单独的科学(他称这些学科的融合是”历史态度生物学“和工作在每个区域)。“]



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