
New Combined Attacks on Block Ciphers




Differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis are the most widely used techniques for block ciphers cryptanalysis. Several attacks combine these cryptanalytic techniques to obtain new attacks, e.g., differential-linear attacks, miss-in-the-middle attacks, and boomerang attacks. In this paper we present several new combinations: we combine differentials with bilinear approximations, higher-order differentials with linear approximations, and the boomerang attack with linear, with differential-linear, with bilinear, and with differential-bilinear attacks. We analyze these combinations and present examples of their usefulness. For example, we present a 6-round differential-bilinear approximation of s~5DES with a bias of 1/8, and use it to attack 8-round s~5DES using only 384 chosen plaintexts. We also enlarge a weak key class of IDEA by a factor of 512 using the higher-order differential-linear technique. We expect that these attacks will be useful against larger classes of ciphers.
机译:差异密码分析和线性密码分析是块密码粘连率最广泛使用的技术。几个攻击结合了这些密码分析技术,以获得新的攻击,例如差分线性攻击,失常中攻击和助推器攻击。在本文中,我们提出了几种新组合:我们将差异与双线性近似,具有线性近似的高阶差异,以及线性攻击,具有差动线性,具有双线性,以及差动犬攻击。我们分析了这些组合,并提出了其有用性的例子。例如,我们呈现了一个6次差动 - 双线性近似的S〜5次,偏差为1/8,并使用它仅使用384个被选择的明文攻击8轮S〜5des。我们还使用高阶差线线性技术通过512倍,扩大了一个弱的关键思想。我们预计这些攻击对较大的密码级别有用。



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