首页> 外文会议>Annual Conference of Metallurgists of CIM >Reversing the Philosopher's Stone III: Recovering Iron and Other Metals from Slags and Residues (Adeptus Ineptus)

Reversing the Philosopher's Stone III: Recovering Iron and Other Metals from Slags and Residues (Adeptus Ineptus)

机译:逆转哲学家的石头三世:从渣和残留物中恢复铁和其他金属(Adeptus Ineptus)



Processing of ores to recover metals usually generates large amounts of waste materials, such as rejects from concentrating operations, tailings from leaching and slags from smelting. These wastes often contain substantial amounts of iron and other metals, recovery of which are often considered to be of commercial value. Earlier versions of this paper investigated a number of processes built to recover iron from a variety of copper processing residues. This paper will extend that coverage to residues from nickel/cobalt, aluminum, asbestos and oil shale processing and coal plant fly ash. Products of interest are iron, ferroalloys, magnesium and aluminum. While none of these processes achieved long-term commercial success, their efforts cover the gamut of problems that must be addressed in treating dirty and difficult materials to recover generally low-value products. An Adept is an alchemist who can create a Philosopher's Stone, which could transmute base metals into gold. In 1701 in Berlin one Johann-Freidrich Bottger, a nineteen year old apothecary's apprentice, told King Frederick I that he could discover how to make the Stone. He failed and fled Frederick's wrath to Poland. He failed again, and King Augustus II threw him in jail. Then, in 1709, he discovered instead the secret of making Dresden china, certainly a more practical search. His failures in alchemy led to the nickname Adeptus Ineptus.
机译:回收金属的矿石的加工通常产生大量的废物,例如废除集中操作的废物,尾矿免于浸出和熔渣。这些废物通常含有大量的铁和其他金属,其恢复通常被认为是商业价值。本文的早期版本调查了许多工艺,以从各种铜加工残留物中恢复铁。本文将延伸到镍/钴,铝,石油和油页岩加工和煤炭粉煤灰的残留物的覆盖范围。兴趣的产品是铁,铁合金,镁和铝。虽然这些流程都没有实现长期的商业成功,但他们的努力涵盖了必须解决的问题,以处理肮脏和难以恢复的低价产品。一个擅长的炼金术名人可以创造一个哲学家的石头,可以将贱金属传递成金​​。 1701年,在柏林1岁的柏林·弗赖德里克·瓶子,一九十年岁的药剂师的学徒,告诉弗雷德里克国王,我可以发现如何制作石头。他失败了,逃离了波兰的弗雷德里克的愤怒。他再次失败了,奥古斯斯州国王在监狱里扔了他。然后,在1709年,他发现了制作德累斯顿中国的秘诀,肯定是更实际的搜索。他在炼金术中的失败导致了昵称Adeptus Ineptus。



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