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Experimental Approaches to Hemophilia Gene Therapy: Gene Transfer Into Hematopoietlc Stem Cells




Autologous transplantation of gene-modified hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HPC) is currently evaluated for treatment of monogeneic hematopoietic disorders. Clinical studies have successfully used retroviral gene transfer into HPC to correct X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID) [1,2]. We currently evaluate gene transfer into HPC for hemophilia A gene therapy. Transplantation of HPC transduced with a gene for coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) may potentially provide a permanent pool of FVIII-expressing hematopoietic cells. In addition, immune tolerance against neo-antigenic FVIII might be achieved as reported for other transgenes in animal models. However, it has been unclear whether cells of hematopoietic origin are capable of FVIII biosynthesis and secretion, because transplantation of FVIII-transduced bone marrow cells into conditioned mice did not result in the expression of detectable FVIII in the plasma [3,4]. Others have found that certain myeloid cell lines were able to efficiently produce FVIII after transduction in vitro [5, 6]. We therefore studied the expression of recombinant FVIII after gene transfer into various hematopoietic cell types.
机译:目前评价基因改性造血干和祖细胞(HPC)的自体移植以治疗单甘油造血障碍。临床研究已成功地将逆转录病毒基因转移到HPC中以校正X键的严重组合免疫缺陷(X-SCID)[1,2]。我们目前评估基因转移到HPC中的血友病A基因治疗。通过用于凝血因子VIII(FVIII)的基因转导的HPC的移植可能潜在地提供一种造血细胞的永久性FVIII池。此外,如动物模型中的其他转基因所报道的那样,可以实现对新抗原FVIII的免疫耐受性。然而,目前尚不清楚造血原产地的细胞是否能够进行FVIII生物合成和分泌,因为FVII-转导的骨髓细胞进入条件小鼠的移植不会导致血浆中可检测的FVIII的表达[3,4]。其他人发现某些骨髓细胞系能够在体外转导后有效地产生FVIII [5,6]。因此,我们研究了基因转移到各种造血细胞类型后重组FVIII的表达。



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