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Inflating Topic Relevance with Ideology: A Case Study of Political Ideology Bias in Social Topic Detection Models




We investigate the impact of political ideology biases in training data. Through a set of comparison studies, we examine the propagation of biases in several widely-used NLP models and its effect on the overall retrieval accuracy. Our work highlights the susceptibility of large, complex models to propagating the biases from human-selected input, which may lead to a deterioration of retrieval accuracy, and the importance of controlling for these biases. Finally, as a way to mitigate the bias, we propose to learn a text representation that is invariant to political ideology while still judging topic relevance.
机译:我们调查政治思想偏见在培训数据中的影响。 通过一组比较研究,我们研究了几种广泛使用的NLP模型中偏差的传播及其对整体检索精度的影响。 我们的工作突出了大型复杂模型的易感性,使偏差从人类选择的输入传播,这可能导致检索准确性的恶化,以及控制这些偏差的重要性。 最后,作为减轻偏见的一种方式,我们建议学习一个文本表示,这是仍然判断主题相关性的政治意识形态。



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