首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction >Chemical and isotopic characterization of nitrate retained and leached from soil after manure fertilization-by lysimeter experiments

Chemical and isotopic characterization of nitrate retained and leached from soil after manure fertilization-by lysimeter experiments




Increase of soil fertilization produces an increase of N exported to the hydrosphere. The amount of nitrate that reaches the aquifers is controlled by processes affecting N-species within the soils. The most relevant processes are nitrification, denitrification, assimilation, mineralization, and immobilization. This work studies the fate of N compounds in soil after manure application in a lysimeter study. To this end the isotopic composition of N and O of dissolved nitrate (δ~(15)N-NO_3~- and δ~(18)O-NO_3~-) was studied coupled with the evolution of N-compounds retained and leached from the soil. Results showed an increase in the δ~(15)N-NO_3~- of the leached nitrate towards values similar to the δ~(15)N-NH_4~+ from the applied manure. The highest δ~(15)N-NO_3~- values were measured after 100 days of manure application, and thereafter, values decreased progressively towards the initial δ~(15)N-NO_3~- of the soil before manure application.
机译:水土施肥的增加产生导出到水圈的N增加。到达含水层的硝酸盐的量由影响土壤中N种的过程控制。最相关的方法是硝化,脱氮,同化,矿化和固定化。该研究在肥料施用后的粪便施用后的土壤中N化合物的命运。为此,研究了溶解硝酸盐的N和O的同位素组合物(Δ〜(15)n-NO_3〜 - 和δ〜(18)O-NO_3〜 - ),与保留和浸出的N-化合物的演变相结合土壤。结果表明,浸出硝酸盐的δ〜(15)n-no_3〜 - 与施加的粪肥类似的δ〜(15)n-nh_4〜+的浸出硝酸盐的增加。在粪便施用100天后测量最高δ〜(15)n-NO_3〜 - 值,此后,在粪肥施用前逐渐朝向土壤的初始δ〜(15)N-NO_3〜 - 逐渐降低。



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