首页> 外文会议>International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Chromolaena >Insects for the biological control of Chromolaena odorata: surveys in the northern Caribbean and efforts undertaken in South Africa

Insects for the biological control of Chromolaena odorata: surveys in the northern Caribbean and efforts undertaken in South Africa

机译:Chromolaena Odorata生物控制的昆虫:在南非北部加勒比地区的调查和努力



With recent evidence indicating that the southern African biotype of Chromolaena odorata has a northern Caribbean origin, surveys of insects on chromolaena were conducted in Cuba and Jamaica. These revealed a depauperate entomofauna with no 'new' agents. Compatible biotypes of insects from other countries (e.g. Venezuela) are thus still needed to supplement promising agents from the northern Caribbean. Diptera, Lcpidoptera and eriophyid mites were the main groups of arthropods collected on C. odoratain Cuba and Jamaica. After a prolonged delay, releases of the host-specific, leaf-mining fly Calycomyza enputorivora from Jamaica commenced in South Africa in 2003. Studies completed on the stein-boring weevil Lixus aemulus, that originates from Brazil,have shown it to be host-specific and permission for release should be imminent. The root-feeding flea beetle Longitarsus horni from Venezuela and an unidentified stem-boring cerambycid recently collected from a Chromolaena species in Argentina are alsobeing cultured in quarantine. The stem-lip mining fly, Melanagromyza eupatoriella, from Florida, USA was successfully cultured for a few generations, but died out and a new culture will be imported from Jamaica to enable host-specificity testing. Othercandidate agents that have been imported but unsuccessfully cultured include the stem-galling fly Polymorphomyla basilica and two stem-tip boring moths, Mescinia sp. nr. parvula and an unidentified species. During the past two years, the defoliating mothPareuchaetes instulata from Florida, USA has been released in large numbers, for extended periods, at several sites in KwaZulu-Natat province in South Africa, with little establishment success. Populations of this insect from Jamaica and Cuba, which maybe more compatible with the southern African C. odorata biotype, will be released in a new attempt to achieve establishment in South Africa. Despite successful culluring for several generations, the stem-galling weevil, Canotrachelus reticulatus from Venezuela, died out in the laboratory, with biotype incompatibility a possible contributing factor. This agent will not be re-imported until further biology and host range studies have been conducted in the country of origin. Studies on the biology of thestem-tip mining sesiid moth, Carmenta sp. nov., will also be conducted in Venezuela. Also, studies on the biology and host-specificity of the stem-galling fly P. basilica, and other insect species on C. odorata, will commence in Jamaica once biotype compatibility has been determined In this regard, cooperation with overseas research organisations is of considerable importance in sustaining progress with the biological control of C. odorata.
机译:随着最近的证据表明,南非莫罗拉岛的南部非洲生物型具有北加勒比地产,在古巴和牙买加进行了昆虫的昆虫。这些揭示了一个遗失的昆士法奥诺亚,没有“新”代理商。因此,仍然需要来自其他国家的昆虫的兼容生物型(例如委内瑞拉),以补充来自北部加勒比海的有前途的药剂。 Diptera,Lcpidoptera和eriophyid螨是在C. Odoratain古巴和牙买加收集的节肢动物组。经过延长的延迟后,牙买加的宿主特异性的叶矿型飞行康马逊毒素于2003年在南非开始。在斯坦伊 - 无聊的象鼻狼栎属的研究,从巴西起源,已经表明它是主持人 - 具体情况和释放的许可应该迫在眉睫。来自委内瑞拉的根饲料跳蚤甲虫龙杆菌霍尼斯·霍尼斯·霍迪尔·霍姆布迪在阿根廷的染色体等物种中收集的未识别的干钻石粘土是在检疫中培养的Alsobeing。来自佛罗里达州的茎唇挖掘飞行,Melanagromyza Eupatoriella成功培养了几代人,但消失了,并从牙买加进口了新的文化,以实现宿主特异性测试。未进口但未成功培养的其他方法包括茎苍白的蝇多晶龙大教堂和两种茎尖钻孔飞蛾,麦斯科氏菌。 NR。 parvula和身份不明的物种。在过去两年中,佛罗里达州的Defolizing Mothpareuchaetes Instulata offer在南非Kwazulu-Natat省的几个地点延长,延长了一段时间,成功少。来自牙买加和古巴的这种昆虫的人口,这些昆虫可能与南部非洲C. Odorata Biotype更符合,将以新的尝试在南非实现成立的新企图释放。尽管成功地剔除了几代人,但委内瑞拉的茎甘蓝象鼻虫,在实验室中死亡,在实验室中消失,生物型不相容是可能的贡献因素。在原产国进行进一步的生物学和主持人范围研究之前,该代理商将不会重新进口。 TheStem-Tip Mining Sesiid Moth,Carmenta SP的生物学研究。 11月。,也将在委内瑞拉进行。此外,对茎壁的生物学和宿主特异性的研究,以及在C. Odorata上的其他昆虫物种,将在牙买加开始曾在这方面确定生物型兼容性,与海外研究组织的合作是相当重要的在持续进展方面与C. Odorata的生物学控制。



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