
Twinning and Taiex, two pre-accession instruments of the EC




The DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit of the European Commission (EC) proposes two pre-accession instruments, Twinning and Taiex, which help the New Member States (NMS), the acceding or candidate coimtries as well the European Neighbourhood to "rebuild" their institutions according to the EU acquis. Twinning instrument provides mid to long-term projects (6 months to 3 years) assistance for the emergent countries. The projects aim at helping the administration of the beneficiary country to integrate the European legislation and acquis. Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (Taiex) provides short-term technical assistance (few days) in all areas of the EU acquis with the view to support the alignment, application, and an enforcement of the acquis in the beneficiary countries. Both instruments are based on a demand driven approach. Beneficiary countries have to introduce their needs. Based on those needs and priorities, European Commission will select the most appropriate projects.
机译:欧洲委员会(EC)的DG扩大 - 机构建设单位提出了两项​​加入前的工具,Twinning和Taiex,帮助新会员国(NMS),加入或候选人队伍,也是欧洲社区“重建”他们的根据欧盟收购的机构。孪生仪器为新兴国家提供了中期的长期项目(6个月至3年)。该项目旨在帮助受益国的管理整合欧洲立法和撤消。技术援助和信息交易所(TAIEX)在欧盟的所有领域提供短期技术援助(几天),以支持在受益者国家的协定,申请和执行的协调,申请和执行。这两种仪器都基于需求驱动的方法。受益者必须介绍他们的需求。根据这些需求和优先事项,欧盟委员会将选择最合适的项目。



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