首页> 外文会议>International Conference of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers >Effectiveness of Vegetative Filter Strips (VFS) for Controlling Pathogen Loads and Antibiotic Resistance in Dairy Wastewater

Effectiveness of Vegetative Filter Strips (VFS) for Controlling Pathogen Loads and Antibiotic Resistance in Dairy Wastewater




A vegetative filter strip (VFS) was assessed for controlling pathogen loads and antibiotic resistance (AR) in dairy wastewater. The VFS was divided into two equal sections, and wastewater was applied to alternating sections in a crossover design every6 months. Dairy wastewater and surface water surrounding the VFS and a negative control (NC) site were collected every two weeks and after rain events (>1 in. per 24 h) during the study. Fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) were measured as pathogen load indicators, and AR of the FS was tested with the antibiotics: tetracycline, oxytetracycline, neomycin, streptomycin, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, and vancomycin. Pathogen loads (CFU logic per 100 mL) and AR data were analyzed using SAS MIXEDprocedures, and the model included site, season, rain event, effluent application, and the interaction of site by season. Data on AR of FS from animals was analyzed using the SAS MDvED procedures with the model including species. Site and season affected FC and FS loads (P < 0.05). Fecal coliform loads decreased from wastewater (10~6) to surface waters (10~1-10~5). Fecal streptococci loads decreased from wastewater (10~8) to surface waters (10~2-10~6). Antibiotic resistance was affected by sampling site and season (P < 0.05). Streptomycin and neomycin exhibited the greatest levels of AR while vancomycin exhibited the least. Movement of AR to streptomycin, tetracycline and oxytetracycline may have been affected by animals that habitat the VFS and not the dairy cattle. VFS systems can effectively reduce pathogen loads in dairy wastewater.
机译:评估营养过滤条(VFS)以控制乳制品废水中的病原体载荷和抗生素抗性(AR)。将VF分为两个相等的部分,并将废水应用于交叉设计的交叉部分每周一次。在研究期间每两周和雨量活动(> 1英寸/每24小时),每两周和阴性控制(NC)围绕VFS和阴性控制(NC)网站的乳制品废水和表面水。测量粪便大肠菌菌(Fc)和粪便链球菌(FS)作为病原体载荷指示剂,并用抗生素测试FS的AR:四环素,催碱素,新霉素,链霉素,红霉素,环丙沙星和万古霉素。使用SAS混合性妇女分析病原体载荷(每100毫升CFU逻辑)和AR数据,包括网站,季节,雨事件,污水应用,以及季节的互动。使用具有物种的模型的SAS MDVVE程序分析来自动物的FS的AR数据。现场和季节受影响FC和FS载荷(P <0.05)。粪便大肠杆菌载荷从废水(10〜6)降低到表面水域(10〜1-10〜5)。粪便链球菌载荷从废水(10〜8)降至表面水(10〜2-10〜6)。采样点和季节影响抗生素抗性(P <0.05)。链霉素和新霉素表现出最大的AR水平,而万古霉素呈现最少。 AR对链霉素,四环素和催产素的运动可能受到栖息地患有VF的动物而不是奶牛的影响。 VFS系统可以有效地降低乳制品废水中的病原体载荷。



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