
Multispectral observations of the surf zone




Airborne multispectral imagery was collected over various targets on the beach and in the water in an attempt to characterize the surf zone environment with respect to electro-optical system capabilities and to assess the utility of very low cost, small multispectral systems in mine counter measures (MCM) and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance applications. The data was collected by PAR Government Systems Corporation (PGSC) at the Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility at Duck North Carolina and on the beaches of Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base in Southern California. PGSC flew the first two of its MANTIS (Mission Adaptable Narrowband Tunable Imaging Sensor) systems. Both MANTIS systems were flown in an IR - red - green - blue (700, 600, 550, 480 nm) configuration from altitudes ranging from 200 to 700 meters. Data collected has been lightly analyzed and a surf zone index (SZI) defined and calculated. This index allows mine hunting system performance measurements in the surf zone to be normalized by environmental conditions. The SZI takes into account water clarity, wave energy, and foam persistence.
机译:在海滩上的各种目标和水中收集空气传播的多光谱图像,试图相对于电光系统能力来表征冲浪区域环境,并评估矿井对策中非常低成本,小型多光谱系统的效用( MCM)和智力,监控和侦察应用。该数据由Par政府系统公司(PGSC)在鸭北卡罗来纳州的工程师领域研究设施的陆军军团和南加州南部彭德尔顿海湾群岛的海滩上收集。 PGSC飞行了其前两个螳螂(使命适用的窄带可调成像传感器)系统。两种螳螂系统都在IR - 红色 - 绿色(700,600,550,480nm)配置中,从200到700米的高度。收集的数据已经轻微分析,并定义和计算了冲浪区指数(SZI)。该指数允许矿井狩猎系统在冲浪区中的性能测量以环境条件标准化。 SZI考虑了水清晰度,波浪能和泡沫持久性。



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