
Source-Channel Communicationin Sensor Networks




Sensors acquire data, and communicate this to an interested party. The arising coding problem is often split into two parts: First, the sensors compress their respective acquired signals, potentially applying the concepts of distributed source coding. Then, they communicate the compressed version to the interested party, the goal being not to make any errors. This coding paradigm is inspired by Shannon's separation theorem for point-to-point communication, but it leads to suboptimal performance in general network topologies. The optimal performance for the general case is not known. In this paper, we propose an alternative coding paradigm based on joint source-channel coding. This coding paradigm permits to determine the optimal performance for a class of sensor networks, and shows how to achieve it. For sensor networks outside this class, we argue that the goal of the coding system could be to approach our condition for optimal performance as closely as possible. This is supported by examples for which our coding paradigm significantly outperforms the traditional separation-based coding paradigm. In particular, for a Gaussian example considered in this paper, the distortion of the best coding scheme according to the separation paradigm decrease like 1/log M, while for our coding paradigm, it decreases like 1/M, where M is th total number of sensors.
机译:传感器获取数据,并将其传达给有兴趣的派对。产生的编码问题通常被分成两部分:首先,传感器压缩它们各自获取的信号,潜在地应用分布式源编码的概念。然后,他们将压缩版本传达给感兴趣的方,目标不是出现任何错误。该编码范式由Shannon的分离定理激发用于点对点通信,但它导致普通网络拓扑中的次优性能。常规情况的最佳性能是未知的。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于联合源信道编码的替代编码范式。该编码范例允许确定一类传感器网络的最佳性能,并展示了如何实现它。对于本课程之外的传感器网络,我们认为编码系统的目标可能是尽可能接近地接近我们的优化性能。这是通过我们的编码范例显着优于传统的基于分离的编码范式的示例的示例。特别地,对于本文考虑的高斯示例,根据分离范式的最佳编码方案的失真减少如1 / log m,而对于我们的编码范例,它会降低1 / m,其中m是总数传感器。



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