
Geographic Routing in Extreme-Scale Highly-Dynamic Mobile Ad Hoc Networks




In the near future extremely large scale mobile adhoc networks of thousands or tens of thousands of mobile nodes will be physically feasible and desirable for a host of applications. However, routing within these networks is challenging, especially at high data rates and when node movement is highly-dynamic. In this work we present Topology Aware Geographic Routing(TAG), a position-based routing protocol that strategically uses local topology information (when available) to make better local forwarding decisions, decreasing the number of hops required to deliver a packet when compared with other geographic routing protocols. In addition, TAG is able to reliably deliver packets even in topologies that violate the often used but unrealistic unit disk graph and quasi-static assumptions. We present empirical results from a variety of simulations, illustrating how TAG outperforms GOAFR+, GFG, and OLSR in both theoretical environments and in a simulated, real-world, continental-scale airborne network.
机译:在近期极大的大规模移动adhoc网络的数千或成千上万的移动节点将是物理上可行的,并且对于一系列应用程序来说是可取的。然而,这些网络内的路由是具有挑战性的,尤其是高数据速率以及节点移动高度动态时。在这项工作中,我们呈现拓扑意识的地理路由(标签),一个基于位置的路由协议,战略性地使用本地拓扑信息(当可用)进行更好的本地转发决策,减少与其他相比相比传递数据包所需的跳数的数量地理路由协议。此外,即使在扭转经常使用但不现实的单位磁盘图和准静态假设的拓扑中,标签也能够可靠地传送数据包。我们提出了各种模拟的经验结果,说明了标签优于GoaFr +,GFG和OLSR在理论环境中以及模拟,现实世界,大陆范围空中网络中。



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