
Modular Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting




Context-sensitive rewriting (CSR) has recently emerged as an interesting and flexible paradigm that provides a bridge between the abstract, world of general rewriting and the (more) applied setting of declarative specification and programming languages such as OBJ. CafeOBJ, ELAN, and Mande. A natural approach to study properties of programs written in those languages is to model them as context-sensitive rewriting systems. Here we are especially interested in proving termination of such systems, and thereby providing methods to establish termination of e.g. OBJ programs. For proving termination of context-sensitive rewriting, there exist, a few transformation methods, that reduce the problem to termination of a transformed ordinary term rewriting system (TRS). These transformations, however, have some serious drawbacks. In particular, most of them do not seem to support a modular analysis of the termination problem. In this paper we will show that a substantial part of the well-known theory of modular term rewriting can be extended to CSR, via a thorough analysis of the additional complications arising from context-sensitivity. More precisely, we will mainly concentrate on termination (properties). The obtained modularity results correspond nicely to the fact that in the above languages the modular design of programs and specifications is explicitly promoted, since it can now also be complemented by modular analysis techniques.
机译:上下文敏感的重写(CSR)最近出现为一个有趣且灵活的范例,提供了一个摘要,一般重写世界之间的桥梁和(更多)应用的声明规范和编程语言,如obj。 Cafeobj,Elan和Mande。学习用这些语言编写的程序性质的自然方法是将它们建模为上下文敏感的重写系统。在这里,我们特别感兴趣地证明这些系统的终止,从而提供了建立终止的方法。 obj计划。为了证明终止上下文敏感的重写,存在一些转换方法,这减少了终止变换的普通术语重写系统(TRS)的问题。然而,这些转变具有一些严重的缺点。特别是,大多数似乎都不支持对终止问题的模块化分析。在本文中,我们将显示,通过彻底分析来自上下文敏感性引起的额外并发症,可以扩展到CSR的大部分众所周知的模块化重写理论。更确切地说,我们将主要集中在终止(属性)上。所获得的模块化结果很好地对应于,在上述语言中,明确促进了程序和规范的模块化设计,因为它现在也可以通过模块化分析技术补充。



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