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On the Minimal Hardware Complexity of Pseudorandom Function Generators




A set F of Boolean functions is called a pseudorandom function generator (PRFG) if communicating with a randomly chosen secret function from F cannot be efficiently distinguished from communicating with a truly random function. We ask for the minimal hardware complexity of a PRFG. This question is motivated by design aspects of secure secret key cryptosystems. These should be efficient in hardware, but often are required to behave like PRFGs. By constructing efficient distinguishing schemes we show for a wide range of basic nonuniform complexity classes (including TC{sub}2{sup}0), that they do not contain PRFGs. On the other hand we show that the PRFG proposed by Naor and Reingold in [24] consists of TC{sub}4{sup}0-functions. The question if TC{sub}3{sup}0-functions can form PRFGs remains as an interesting open problem. We further discuss relations of our results to previous work on cryptographic limitations of learning and Natural Proofs.
机译:如果无法与来自F的随机选择的秘密函数通信,则布尔函数的组F称为伪随机函数发生器(PRFG),不能从与真正随机函数进行通信。我们询问PRFG的最小硬件复杂性。这个问题是通过安全秘密密钥密码系统的设计方面的动机。这些应该在硬件中有效,但通常需要像PRFGS一样。通过构建高效区分方案,我们显示了广泛的基本非均匀复杂性类(包括TC {Sub} 2 {Sup} 0),它们不包含PRFGS。另一方面,我们表明NaOR和Reingold提出的PRFG在[24]中由TC {Sub} 4 {sup} 0函数组成。问题如果tc {sub} 3 {sup} 0函数可以形成prfgs仍然是一个有趣的公开问题。我们进一步讨论了我们对学习和自然证据的基础上的基础上的工作的关系。



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