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Approximation Algorithms for the Bottleneck Stretch Factor Problem




Assume that we are given the coordinates of n airports. Given an airplane that can fly a distance of b miles without refueling, a typical query is to determine the smallest value of t such that the airplane can travel between any pair of airports using flight segments of length at most b miles, such that the sum of the lengths of the flight segments is not longer than t times the direct “as-the-crow-flies” distance between the airports. This problem falls under the general category of bottleneck problems. In our case, the stretch factor, i.e., the value of t, is a measure of the maximum increase in fuel costs caused by choosing a path other than the direct path between any source and any destination. (Clearly, this direct path cannot be taken if its length is larger than b miles.)
机译:假设我们获得了N机场的坐标。鉴于一架飞机,可以在不加油的情况下飞行一段距离,典型的查询是确定T的最小值,使得飞机可以在任何一对机场之间使用长度的飞行段在Miles,这样的总和飞行段的长度不超过机场之间的直接“AS-Crow-苍蝇”的距离。这个问题属于瓶颈问题的一般类别。在我们的情况下,拉伸因子,即T的值是由选择除任何源和任何目的地之间的直接路径以外的路径引起的最大燃料成本的量度。 (显然,如果其长度大于B英里,则不能采取这种直接路径。)



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