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Efficient Minimal Perfect Hashing in Nearly Minimal Space




We consider the following problem: Given a subset S of size n of a universe {0,…,u-1} construct a minimal perfect hash function for S, i.e., a bijection h from S to {0,…,n-1}. The parameters of interest are the space needed to store h, its evaluation time, and the time required to compute h from S. The number of bits needed for the representation of h, ignoring the other parameters, has been thoroughly studied and is known to be n log e +log log u ± O(log n), where “log” denotes the binary logarithm. A construction by Schmidt and Siegel uses O(n+log log u) bits and offers constant evaluation time, but the time to find h is not discussed. We present a simple randomized scheme that uses n log e + log log u + o(n+ log log u) bits and has constant evaluation time and O(n + log log u) expected construction time.
机译:我们考虑以下问题:给定宇宙大小的子集{0,...,U-1}构造s的最小完美哈希函数,即,从s到{0,...,n-1的自动射击h }。感兴趣的参数是存储H,其评估时间和计算H的评估时间所需的空间。H的表示所需的比特数忽略了其他参数,已知并已知是n log e + log logu±o(log n),其中“log”表示二进制对数。 Schmidt和Siegel的结构使用O(n + log logu)位并提供不断的评估时间,但没有讨论找到h的时间。我们介绍了一个简单的随机方案,使用n log e + log logu + o(n + log logu)位,并且具有常数评估时间和o(n + log logu)预期的施工时间。



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