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Generalized Model-Checking Problems for First-Order Logic




Descriptive complexity theory provides a convenient and intuitive way to model a large variety of computational problems. The basic problem studied in descriptive complexity is of the following form: Given a finite relational structure A and a sentence Φ of some logic L, decide ifΦ is satisfied by A. We call this problem the model-checking problem for L. The model-checking problem and variants of it appear in different areas of computer science: The name model-checking is usually associated with automated verification. Here state spaces of finite state systems are modeled by Kripke structures and specifications are formulated in modal or temporal logics. Then checking whether the system has the specified property means checking whether the Kripke structure satisfies the specification, that is, model-checking. In recent years, this approach has very successfully been applied to the verification circuits and protocols.
机译:描述性复杂性理论提供了一种方便和直观的方式来模拟各种计算问题。在描述复杂性中研究的基本问题是以下形式:给定某些逻辑L的有限关系结构A和句子φ,确定IFφ是否满足A.我们称之为L.模型检查问题 - 模型 - 检查它的问题和变体出现在计算机科学的不同领域:名称模型检查通常与自动验证相关联。这里有限状态系统的状态空间由Kripke结构建模,规格在模态或时间逻辑中配制。然后检查系统是否具有指定的属性意味着检查kripke结构是否满足规范,即模型检查。近年来,这种方法已经成功地应用于验证电路和协议。



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