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Patient Safety in Critical Care Unit: Development of a Nursing Quality Indicator System




This is a methodological study and technological production that aims to describe the development of a computerized system of nursing care quality indicators for the Intensive Care Unit. The study population consisted of a systems analyst and fifteen critical care nurses. For the development of the system we adopted some of the best practices of the Unified Process methodology using the Unified Modeling Language and the programming language Java Enterprise Edition 7. The system consists of an access menu with the following functions: Home (presents general information), New Record (records the indicator), Record (record search), Census (add information and indicators of the patient), Report (generates report of the indicators) and Annex (accesses the Braden Scale). This information system allows for measurement of the quality of nursing care and to evaluate patient safety in intensive care unit by monitoring quality indicators in nursing.
机译:这是一种方法论研究和技术生产,旨在描述强化护理单位的护理质量指标的计算机化系统的发展。该研究人口由系统分析师和十五条重症护理护士组成。为了开发系统,我们使用统一的建模语言和编程语言Java Enterprise Edition 7采用了一些最佳实践。系统由具有以下功能的访问菜单组成:主页(呈现一般信息) ,新记录(记录指标),记录(记录搜索),人口普查(添加患者的信息和指标),报告(生成指标的报告)和附件(访问BRADEN比例)。该信息系统允许测量护理质量,并通过监测护理中的质量指标来评估重症监护单元的患者安全性。



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