
Network Access Control for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks




In this paper, we propose to enforce network access control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) using cryptographic techniques. In the proposed approach, packets are authenticated by means of a network-wide symmetric (session) key. Because nodes are mobile and communication paths may change rapidly, timely distribution of new session keys is challenging (particularly if keys change frequently). Nodes wishing to communicate may therefore hold different session keys, which must somehow be synchronized. We present a fully distributed key synchronization method based on stateless group key distribution, and localized packet retransmission. If nodes A and B wish to communicate securely over a path P, all nodes on this path must synchronize keys with their immediately adjacent neighbors in the path. Any node which is unable to synchronize keys will not be allowed to forward packets. Simulations and a functioning prototype demonstrate the proposed system is practical and effective.
机译:在本文中,我们建议使用加密技术来强制移动临时网络(MANET)中的网络访问控制。 在所提出的方法中,通过网络范围对称(会话)密钥来认证数据包。 因为节点是移动和通信路径可能会迅速改变,所以及时分布新会话密钥的挑战(特别是如果键经常改变)。 因此,希望通信的节点可以保持不同的会话密钥,必须以某种方式同步。 我们介绍了一种基于无状态组密钥分布和本地化数据包重传的完全分布式的键同步方法。 如果节点A和B希望牢固地通过路径P进行通信,则该路径上的所有节点都必须将键与路径中的立即相邻的邻居同步。 不允许使用无法同步键的任何节点转发数据包。 仿真和功能原型展示了所提出的系统实际且有效。



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