首页> 外文会议>Congress of the International Pig Veterinary Society >The effect of a postpartum treatment with ceftiofur sodium (Naxcel~(TM) sterile powder) and prostaglandex F_2 alpha (Lutalyse~(TM) sterile solution) on a pig farm in the republic of Korea

The effect of a postpartum treatment with ceftiofur sodium (Naxcel~(TM) sterile powder) and prostaglandex F_2 alpha (Lutalyse~(TM) sterile solution) on a pig farm in the republic of Korea




The benefits of using proslaglandin F_2 alpha (Lutalyse~(TM) Stenle Solution) for farrowing induction have been recognized by swine producers for years. Recently, it has also been indicated that early post-farrowing use of Lutalyse improves productivity. In Korea, sows with low fertility rate and aberrant vaginal discharge are commonly observed. Therapy with systemic or intrautenne use of antibiotics are used, but has not been proved effective. The objective of this study was to evaluate an intramuscular treatment regime of ceftiofur sodium (Naxcel~(TM) Sterile Powder) and Lutalyse on total piglets bom, days from farrowing to estrus and vaginal discharges post-farrowing. The study was conducted on a Korean farm with a history of poor reproductiveperformance. This farm experienced problems of moderate endometritis in its sow herd (vaginal discharges), and frequent colibacillosis in its piglets pre-weaning. A total of 300 sows were randomly allocated to two groups at parturition. The treatment group were given (IM) 8 ml of Naxcel (400 mg ceftiofur) immediately post-partum and 2 ml of Lutalyse (10 mg of dinoprost) 24-48 hours posipartum. Sows in the control group were not given any treatment. Computerized systems were used to keep records for thepig performance during the study.
机译:使用Proslaglandin F_2 Alpha(Lutalyse〜(TM)Stenle Solutions用于分娩诱导的好处已被猪生产商认可多年。最近,还表明早期击球后使用Lutalyse提高了生产率。在韩国,通常观察到具有低生育率和异常阴道分泌物的母猪。使用系统性或埋术抗生素的治疗,但尚未证明有效。本研究的目的是评估头孢噻吩钠(Naxcel〜(TM)无菌粉末的肌肉注射制度(纳克塞尔〜(TM)的总仔猪BOM,从分娩后的雌蕊和阴道排放的天数。该研究在韩国农场进行,历史悠久的生殖症。该农场在母猪饲养群(阴道排放)中经历了中度子宫内膜炎的问题,并且在其仔猪预防的仔猪频繁的Colibacillis。总共300次母猪随机分配给分娩的两组。治疗组(IM)8ml纳克塞尔(400mg头孢噻呋喃)立即伴侣,2ml leatalyse(10毫克Dinopostost)24-48小时Posipartum。对照组的母猪没有任何治疗。计算机化系统用于在研究期间保留PIG性能的记录。



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