首页> 外文会议>Arctic and marine oilspill program technical seminar >A comparative assessment of the fate and effects of similar orimulsion and heavy fuel oil spills in the milford haven estuary,UK.

A comparative assessment of the fate and effects of similar orimulsion and heavy fuel oil spills in the milford haven estuary,UK.




An increasin number of oil burnign power generation stations worldwide are considering the use of an alternative fuel known as Orimulsion in place of the more conventional heavy fuel oils such as No.6.recently,Venezuela has been producign the new,hydrocarbon-bassed fuel product and marketing it worldwide.the Pembrode Power Station,located on the Milford Estuary,Wales,UK is evaluating a conversin to the use of Orimulsion as its primary fuel.TH eassessment of the potential efects of an accidential spill of Orimulsion into hte esturary and a compaison of that spill to a similar one of ocnventional fuel oil is part f the overall evaluation.
机译:全世界的增加数量的石油繁殖发电站正在考虑使用称为orimulsion的替代燃料,代替更传统的重型燃料油,如No.6.Recentphere,委内瑞拉已成为新的碳氢化合物燃料产品在全球范围内营销.PEMBrode Power Station,位于英国威尔士米尔福尔岛威尔士,正在评估使用Orimulsion作为其主要燃料的逐步燃料的逐步溢出的次幂。将该泄漏到类似OCNVentional燃料油的蔓延是整体评价的第F部分。



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