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The Predictability of Pharm-EEG in Patients with Long Unconscious Status




The main syndrome of severe poisoning is coma. An option of coma outcome is a vegetative state. EEG reactivity due to intravenous benzodiazepines estimates the prognosis for such patients. However, a positive benzodiazepines test has the predictability of about 50-60%. The aim of the work is to assess the role of interaction between gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and cholinergic systems of the brain. The consequent injections of benzodiazepine and atropine lead to a 20% increase in predictability. The results obtained confirm the following hypothesis. Abnormality of GABA-cholinergic interaction is one of the mechanisms of forming a stable pathological system resulting in the pathogenesis of the vegetative state.
机译:严重中毒的主要综合症是昏迷。 Coma结果的选择是一种植物国。由于静脉内苯二氮卓类引起的EEG反应性估计该等患者的预后。然而,阳性苯并二氮杂卓检测率约为50-60%。该工作的目的是评估γ氨基丁酸(GABA)与脑胆碱能系统之间的相互作用的作用。因此,苯二氮卓和阿托品的注射导致预测性增加了20%。获得的结果证实了以下假设。 GABA-胆碱能相互作用的异常是形成稳定的病理系统的机制之一,导致营养态的发病机制。



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