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How does the Valence of Online Consumer Reviews Matter in Consumer Decision Making? Differences between Search Goods and Experience Goods




Existing empirical studies have drawn inconsistent conclusions about the effect of electronic word-of-mouth valence on consumer decision making. Based on attribution theory and prospect theory, this study attempts to explain this discrepancy through exploring how product type moderates the impact of online consumer reviews valence. Our results from a 2 (Positive reviews vs. Negative reviews) × 2 (Search goods vs. Experience goods) experiment design show that the effect of online consumer reviews valence is asymmetrically moderated by product type: The effect of positive reviews is greater for search goods than that for experience goods, whereas the effects of negative reviews have no significant difference between these two types of goods; And the impact difference between negative reviews and positive reviews is greater for experience goods than for search goods. Our study not only confirms the moderating role of product type, but also further explores how product type moderates the effect of reviews valence. We also provide implications for e-marketers.
机译:现有的经验研究对电子话语效果对消费者决策的影响感得不一致。基于归因理论和展望理论,本研究试图通过探索产品类型适度的影响在线消费者评论价值的影响来解释这种差异。我们的结果来自A 2(持久评论)×2(搜索商品与经验商品)实验设计表明,在线消费者评论价值的效果是由产品类型的不对称审查:积极审查的效果更大的搜索商品比经验商品的商品,而否定审查的影响在这两种商品之间没有显着差异;负面评论和积极评估之间的影响差异比搜索商品更大。我们的研究不仅证实了产品类型的调节作用,还进一步探讨了产品类型如何促进评论价的效果。我们还为电子营销人员提供了影响。



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