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A Cross-Disciplinary Study of What Determines the Adoption of MDS




Mobile data services (MDS) have been attracting increasing scholarly attention in recent years. In this paper, a cross-disciplinary model, established with established critical factors derived from traditional information systems models and the means-end chain approach, is used to explore what affects customers' willingness to pay for MDS. In addition, the hybrid framework highlights the multiple attributes of MDS, user's multiple dimensions of needs and multiple purposes for adopting MDS. Testing the model with survey data collected from 271 MDS users, the research shows that users' perceived benefits of MDS most significantly explain their desire and demand for MDS. Financial indicators (e.g., affordability and income) also play an important role in determining users' willingness to spend on MDS. Past experiences slightly affect users' willingness to spend on MDS. While gender makes a difference, age and education do not show such a significant effect.
机译:移动数据服务(MDS)近年来一直在吸引越来越多的学术人员。在本文中,与源自传统信息系统模型的既定关键因素和手段结束链方法建立的跨学科模型用于探索客户对支付MDS支付的意愿。此外,混合框架突出显示MDS的多个属性,用户的多维需求维度和多种目的用于采用MDS。测试模型从271 MDS用户收集的调查数据,研究表明,MDS的用户感知益处最大限度地解释了他们对MDS的愿望和需求。财务指标(例如,负担能力和收入)在确定用户在MDS上的意愿方面也发挥着重要作用。过去的经历略微影响了用户在MDS上花费的意愿。虽然性别有所不同,但年龄和教育并没有表现出这样的重大影响。



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