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Distribution System Condition Assessment for Guma Valley Water Company, Sierra Leone

机译:Guma Valley Water Company,Sierra Leone的分配系统条件评估



This paper discusses a condition assessment for a water distribution network in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The water supply for Freetown comes from seasonal rainfall which is stored within multiple catchments located in the hills above the city. The water supply is dispersed via gravity to a series of reservoirs and through a distribution network, comprised of approximately 170 mi of pipelines originally constructed in the early 1900s, and significantly expanded by the Guma Valley Water Company (GVWC) in the 1960s. The water leakage rate is estimated to range between 35% and 40% system-wide, and the most significant contributors to overall water leakage are exposed pipes and low quality plastic service connections, referred to as "spaghetti" pipes. The study evaluated the condition of the physical pipe network, underlying issues related to leakage, water quality implications, and recommended improvements for rehabilitation.
机译:本文讨论了艾尔拉利昂史德敦水分配网络的条件评估。弗里敦的供水来自季节性降雨,储存在位于城市上方的山丘中的多个集水区内。供水通过重力分散到一系列储存器,通过配送网络,包括在20世纪初的大约170英里的管道,并在20世纪60年代被Guma Valley Water Company(GVWC)显着扩展。漏水率估计为35%至40%的范围,系统泄漏最重要的贡献者是暴露的管道和低质量的塑料服务连接,称为“意大利面”管道。该研究评估了物理管网的状况,与泄漏相关的潜在问题,水质影响以及建议改进康复。



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