首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing >Multiple illumination phaseless super-resolution (MIPS) with applications to phaseless DoA estimation and diffraction imaging

Multiple illumination phaseless super-resolution (MIPS) with applications to phaseless DoA estimation and diffraction imaging




Phaseless super-resolution is the problem of recovering an unknown signal from measurements of the “magnitudes” of the “low frequency” Fourier transform of the signal. This problem arises in applications where measuring the phase, and making high-frequency measurements, are either too costly or altogether infeasible. The problem is especially challenging because it combines the difficult problems of phase retrieval and classical super-resolution. Recently, the authors in [1] demonstrated that by making three phaseless low-frequency measurements, obtained by appropriately “masking” the signal, one can uniquely and robustly identify the phase using convex programming and obtain the same super-resolution performance reported in [2]. However, the masks proposed in [1] are very specific and in many applications cannot be directly implemented. In this paper, we broadly extend the class of masks that can be used to recover the phase and show how their effect can be emulated in coherent diffraction imaging using multiple illuminations, as well as in direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using multiple sources to excite the environment. We provide numerical simulations to demonstrate the efficacy of the method and approach.
机译:无相位超分辨率是从信号的“低频”傅里叶变换的“幅度”的测量结果中恢复未知信号的问题。在相位测量和进行高频测量的成本太高或完全不可行的应用中会出现此问题。这个问题特别具有挑战性,因为它结合了相位检索和经典超分辨率的难题。最近,在[1]中的作者证明了通过进行三次无相低频测量(通过适当地“屏蔽”信号获得),可以使用凸编程来唯一,可靠地识别相位,并获得与[文献]中报道的相同的超分辨率性能。 2]。然而,在[1]中提出的掩模是非常具体的,并且在许多应用中不能直接实现。在本文中,我们广泛地扩展了可用于恢复相位的掩模类别,并展示了如何在使用多个照明的相干衍射成像中以及在使用多个照明的到达方向(DoA)估计中可以模拟它们的效果。激发环境的资源。我们提供数值模拟,以证明该方法和方法的有效性。



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