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Comparing soft robotic affective touch to human and brush affective touch




Affective touch is important for maintaining emotional bonds and providing comfort. In this pilot study, we developed a silicone pneumatic soft robotic haptic device (S-CAT) to provide affective touch and compared its performance with commonly used brush and human affective touch. The S-CAT device simulates the attributes of CT-optimal affective touch in terms of velocity, temperature and force. In 22 participants we administered touch on their forearm from the S-CAT device (robot), a human hand and a soft brush at 6cm/s (CT-optimal speed) and 36cm/s (non-CT optimal speed). We collected subjective ratings on pleasantness and intensity, as well as electroencephalography (EEG) responses. The results showed that pleasantness and intensity ratings depend on velocity of the touch. Moreover, S-CAT touch delivered at these different velocities elicits similar subjective ratings to using a human hand or brush. Findings point to the potential for soft robotic haptic devices to modulate subjective and electrophysiological response in a similar way to more natural, human touch.
机译:情感触摸对于维持情绪债券并提供舒适性非常重要。在这项试点研究中,我们开发了一种硅胶气动软机器人触觉装置(S-CAT),以提供情感触摸,并将其性能与常用的刷子和人类情感触摸进行比较。 S-CAT设备在速度,温度和力方面模拟CT最佳情感触摸的属性。在22名参与者中,我们将在6CM / s(CT-Optimal Speed)和36cm / s(非CT最佳速度)上从S-CAT设备我们收集了主观评级对愉快和强度,以及脑电图(EEG)反应。结果表明,令人愉悦和强度等级取决于触摸的速度。此外,在这些不同的速度下传递的S-CAT触摸引发了类似的主观评级来使用人的手或刷子。调查结果指向软机器人触觉装置的潜力,以类似的方式调节主观和电生理响应,以与更自然,人的触摸相似。



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