首页> 外文会议>AIAA 33rd Aerospace Seicnces Meeting and Exhibit January 9-12, 1995/Reno, NV >Load balancing and performance issues for the data parallel simulation of stiff chemical nonequilibrium flows

Load balancing and performance issues for the data parallel simulation of stiff chemical nonequilibrium flows




A new data parallel program for solving stiff chemical nonequilibrium flows on the Connection Machine CM-2/200 and CM-5/5E is presented. The program is written in CM Fortran and employs a timestep-splitting algorithm to solve the governing equations for an unsteady, compressible reacting flow on a structured Cartesian grid. An explicit high-order monotone algorithm with nonlinear damping is used to integrate the convection terms, and a hybrid asymptotic/modified-Euler approach is used to solve the system of ordinary differential equations from the chemical source terms. Integration of the fluid dynamics was found to be especially fast, as the performance was determined to be 9.4 Gflops and 12.0 Gflops on a 512 node CM-5 and CM-5E, respectively. The fluid dynamics solver was also found to scale well for large problems, however both the performance and the scaling are significantly affected by the nearest-neighbor communications, which was found to account for at least 24
机译:提出了一种用于解决连接机CM-2/200和CM-5 / 5E上的溶解僵硬化学物质的新数据并行程序。该程序以CM Fortran编写,采用时间步来的拆分算法来解决结构化的笛卡尔网格上的不稳定压缩反应流动的控制方程。具有非线性阻尼的显式高阶单调算法用于集成对流术语,并且使用混合渐近/修改 - 欧拉方法来解决从化学源术语中求解常微分方程的系统。发现流体动力学的整合特别快,因为分别测定了512节点CM-5和CM-5e上的9.4 gflops和12.0 gflops。还发现流体动力学解算器在很大的问题上展示井,然而,性能和缩放都受到最近邻通信的显着影响,该通信被发现至少24



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